Thursday 4 March 2010

Coming from... Part I [Going West]

So this is the start of my final project for the first year of Fine Art at Leeds. I've been keeping a scrapbook, but pretty much all my work is digital or so big that I just record it via photograph anyway, and I just spend all my time cutting and sticking!

Our project brief is really just to develop our practice on from previous work. For me, this started at the beginning of the year with the West project and the Derive. Both of these were group projects and involved walking, obeying a rule which dictated where we went. In the first one, the studio group split into 4, one for each compass point. My group travelled west and gathered evidence of where we went and what we saw. There was a bin strike so there was a lot of stuff about, including a sofa which we carted round for a bit, posed for a group photo on, and then eventually took back to the studio, where it is to this day :)

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